High street / December 2, 2019

This story was sent from Judith Englander to Paul Auster. She has thought it is strabge that there always are a "cross-out" in letters from her father. The "cross-out" had great meaning.

     When the letter was from my father, our mailing address usually had a "cross-out" in front of the "Hall Ave." part of our address. I finally remembered to ask my father why  there was almost always this cross-out. He replied that he had a mental block on our street address: he wanted to write "High Street" instead of Hall Avenue.
     A few years after I moved here, I was doing some historical research in the library. It was then that I discovered that Hall Avenue had been named High Street until after World War Ⅱ, when it was renamed for a local boy named Hall whohad been killed in the war.
