The broken Roof

Suddenly the magic key began to glow.
"It's time to go, " said Kipper, "but I don't want to. "
"Will you come back? " asked Edward.
"We don't know, "said Biff. "Maybe."
The magic took the children home. They looked at the little house.
"The broken roof has been mended, "said Biff.
"How did that happen?"
"I don't know, " said Chip, "maybe Dad mended it. "
"I think the workmen in the adventure did it, " said Kipper.
"We saw them."
"I think it was magic, " said Biff.

It is interesting that phenomenon happened in the magic happen in the real world.
I think I don't leave from friends I love.
I wish I can control the power of key.
But it is important that we can't control it.
