
Then one day, the Prince heard a girl singing.
”Rapunzel,” he cried.
"Is it you?"
”Yes,” said Rapunzel.
Rapunzel was so happy to see the Prince that she started to cry. Her tears fell into the Prince's eyes, and all at once, he could see again.
Rapunzel said that the witch was dead. She would never be locked up in the tower ever again. She had been singing because she was so happy.]
This story of Rapunzel is s little different from Disney's Rapunzel, but I like this too.
My favorite story of Disney movies is Tangled.
I love its story and characters and musics.
Prince in this story was fascinated by Rapunzel's song.
I can have empathy for the Prince because I'm crazy about her songs in Tangled.
I think person who has beautiful voice is so fascinating.
