The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

''Do you really want to leave all this fine food?''asked the city mouse."The city is nice, but corn and safety are better than cherry pie and danger, "said the country mouse.The two mice hugged good-bye.then the country mouse jumped on a train and went back to the country."No matter where I roam, there is no place like home, "he said.

 Two mice, the country mouse and the city mouse, are good friend.
In the country, when they were enjoying eating some corns, the city mouse didn't satisfied with the food.
On the contrary, in the city, there were many feast but there was a fear of animal.
So the country mouse chose safety of his home.

I want to be like him who can see things by way of think of the poor if he get rich.


wrinkle:名 しわ 小じわ
    動 しわをのばす+up

tag:名 鬼ごっこ
